With tens of millions of items in its collections, Internet Archive is one of the largest libraries in the world. It provides free and open access to all of its materials to anyone with an internet connection, making it a treasure trove for researchers, historians, and curious individuals.
Of course, having a collection that large doesn’t help anyone if it’s difficult to access. To help with this, Internet Archive has released a number of open APIs and tools to allow people to upload and download items, as well as data mine the metadata for the entire collection.
In this session we will:
Give you a tour of Internet Archive and its collections
Introduce you to the APIs and tools you can use to access and contribute to the Archive
Show examples of how other people and institutions are using the Archive
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June 12, 2016 Subject:
This talk made SouthEast LinuxFest better
I caught this talk at SouthEast LinuxFest 2016 mostly because Vickie Brasseur was the speaker going on after my own talk. I'm glad she encouraged me to stick around, because I learned an amazing amount about the great work that IA is doing and the creative ways that it funds its operations.
I also might have been inspired to deliver my next talk barefoot, or at least shoeless :)